
Palaeoecology and -climate - Estonian Roots: Centre of Excellence

The palaeoecology and -climate group in TalTech contributes to the CoE aims by creating a palaeoecological background. This involves reconstruction of past ecosystems, vegetation history, climate and environmental change, both natural and manmade, at high temporal resolution during the last 15,000 years through multidisciplinary and multiproxy studies of natural archives such as lake, bog and marine sediments. The Quaternary is known for rapid climate change, glacial advances and retreats, constant drift of biota between glacial and warm refugia, sea level fall and rise with each period of freezing and thawing. It’s also known as the period of the rise of mankind and its progressively increasing impact upon the environment. The group focuses on better understanding the interactions between Quaternary geo- and biosphere processes and warm refugia, sea level fall and rise with each period of freezing and thawing. 

The Head of Palaeoecology and -climate Group is Siim Veski. 

Further links:

The Collegium for Transdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, Genetics and Linguistics, University of Tartu

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